Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rosy Sketch

Hooray it's Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge time!  Another lovely one this week by Edna Morrisedie:

I went for a love-y theme this week, as Jason and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary on May 25th!

Used the Waltzingmouse Stamp sets Musical Backgrounds, Say it Loud, and Very Vintage Labels No.10 for this card. 

These are my first attempts at handmade paper roses!  All I did was cut a piece of scrap paper into a spiral and wound it into a loose rose shape.  Then I cut a separate little half circle shape and glued it in the center to make the rose look more authentic.  I sprayed them (heavily!) with Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists (one is Yellow Daisy, and one is a Yellow Daisy/Pink Cherub mix). Scrunched and bent the petals into shape while they were still wet.  Let them dry on my window sill for a few days, and then added some glue in spots to hold the spiral together a bit better.

Now it's your turn!  Upload your creation HERE by next Friday, June 3, and make sure to include at least 1 Waltzingmouse Stamps image on your card to be eligible for the random drawing for a stamp set of choice!

Stamps:  Musical Backgrounds, Say it Loud, and Very Vintage Labels No. 10, all Waltzingmouse Stamps
Cardstock:  PTI Vintage Cream
Ink:  Tim Holtz Distress Inks in Black Soot, Antique Linen, Tea Dye, and Vintage Photo
Other:  Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists in Cherub Pink and Yellow Daisy, Spellbinders Labels 10 die, Martha Stewart branch punch and white pearls, crocheted trim, cream ribbon, dimensionals


Beate said...

Kelly, your card looks beautiful! LOVE the stamped background and your gorgeous flowers.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Hugs and smiles

Julia Aston said...

How sweet is this Kelly! love the music bg stamping and your beautiful roses!

Mona Pendleton said...

Beautiful card Kelly! Those homespun flowers look awesome!

Cathy Weber said...

I can not believe you made those roses, Kelly. They look so beautiful, you did an awesome job on them. They look so nice with that music background. Such a pretty card, congrats on your 10 year anniversary.

Jen Cuthbertson said...

Happy anniversary, Kelly! I hope you had a lovely day!! I love the background and your roses are beautiful!!

Jen Adcock said...

Happy Anniversary lovely Kelly. Hugs. Your card is so lovely and totally befitting. The roses look amazing and absolutely worth the half a bottle of Glimmer Mist and the time they must have taken. Brava! The sheet music looks glorious and is a wonderful tribute to a happy marriage. Just love your creative vision.

Lynn Mercurio said...

A lovely card filled with romantic wishes for a wonderful anniversary. Your roses are outstanding and look amazing on your project. The musical background is perfect for this card. Love it!

Sharron said...

Fabulous card, Kelly! Wonderfully romantic with the music background, lace and gorgeous flowers! Hope you had a great anniversary!

Pretty Paper Junkie said...

I had to become a follower. I don't want to miss out on anything you do.

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

Those flowers are fabulous!

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

You're right that was a fab sketch and this is a beautiful card. I love how you created the roses, I must give that a go.
Katie x

Anca said...

Love the flowers... and the music sheet background... and the lace... Love it all!

Anonymous said...

Love your card Kelly - those flowers are adorable! So professional!
Hope you had a beautiful anniversary ;)
Hugs, Ruth S