Saturday, December 26, 2009

PTI Blog Hop

Time for another PTI Blog Hop!  This month's theme was to be inspired by one of your Christmas ornaments or decorations...

I chose this adorable crackled snowman ornament I got for my birthday long ago from my sister Kris!  I used the snowman from Holiday Tree by Heather Nichols for PTI.  I actually painted the stamp with Tim Holtz Crackle Paint in Picket Fence, then stamped onto PTI kraft paper.  I went over the snowman with Tim Holtz Distress inks when it was dry.  Cut it out and added extra buttons (mini brads) like my ornament!  The star was also painted with Crackle Paint in Scattered Straw and then distressed further with inks.  That ribbon is from a gift someone gave me (also from long ago), and I have been saving it for just the right occasion!  I tied the star to the ribbon with twine, and added a torn paper snowbank using Vintage Cream paper.  I added some Sakura Stardust glitter pen to the center of the stamped snowflakes so they TWINKLE...just like my ornament does!

Thanks so much for stopping by on the HOP!


Tenia Nelson said...

Very cute card, Miss Kelly!!!

Tricia said...

Oh, both your inspiration piece and your card are too cute! I love that little snowman. He could come live at my house... he'd fit right in!!

Moriah said...

OMG that card it too cute!

Marge said...

Wow; great job!!! LOVE your crackle paint uses! T!m would be so proud!!! ;-)

Rosanne said...

What a cute card!

Anonymous said...

Love the ornament (I collect snowmen) and love the card.

Rebecca said...


Linda W said...

Great technique. I love anything crackle. I must try that. You interpreted the adorable ornament so well. Great job!

Jamie said...

Your card is adorable!

Chrissy said...

this is the cutest card! love it!

Sue Lelli said...

That is just too cute! LOVE the snowman and the ribbon and the star!!!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

Very cute!

Samantha Johnson said...

adorable card, i love it.

farmhouse-story said...

this is too, too cute! love it!

pattylt said...

Why don't I ever think of crackle paint! What a great use of it. Love your card.

Liz said...

I absolutely LOVE this! I think it's a great interpretation :)

Daniela F. said...

Awesome card! Love the look of the crackle paint on it.

Lori said...

So very cute!!

Kay D said...

Adorable card, I love how you used the snowman stamp, works great with your inspiration piece!

Mona Pendleton said...

Oh this is such an adorable card! Great take on the crackled snowman :)

Terri said...

What a cute snowman. Nice job on the card too!

A Little Licht on the Subject... said...

This card is just darling! Thanks for sharing!

peggysue said...

That is one cute little crackled snowman card. I like the ribbon especially, it adds so much to the card and look! Its a gingham pattern! :)

Lori said...

So cute! Love the rustic look and feel.

Nerina said...

Such a sweet card - I love the gathered ribbon - a little touch of luxe in the rustic feel!

Amy Liz Schultz said...

this is lovely... love the ribbon with the star!

Shirlann said...

The crackled look of your snowman is cute! I like the rustic feel with your ribbon as well!

MariLynn said...

This is so cute!