Sunday, October 25, 2009

Papertrey Ink Blog Hop!

 It's time for another PTI Blog Hop, my second one!

I have 3 simple cards to share tonight.  One night, I just felt like "stamping" without the "card-making" part!  I got out Guide Lines 1 and the grid paper, and just started STAMPING in colors that I liked.  Added some Stickles and left them to dry. 

A few days later when I noticed the pretty background paper I created, THEN I was inspired to finish off my cards...couple that with some NEW PTI sets, and I was on a sweet and simple roll....

 I created this one with Heather Nichols's awesome new set, Holiday Tree.  I LURVE that snowman!

These two are with that sweet little Gingerbread man from Holiday Button Bits!  Can't get enough of him, yummy!

Also used my old SU Linen and Aida Cloth backgrounds to add to the country charm.

Thanks for looking, and have fun on the HOP!


itsallrosi said...

too cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute button bit cards! Love that set!

Maria Fiscella said...

So very pretty - love the aged country look!

farmhouse-story said...

sweet cards-love the gingerbreadmen!

Becca said...

These are great. My favorite is the middle one. I love the pink and brown together, and that gingerbread with pink buttons is to die for!

Diane Jaquay said...

All 3 of these are adorable!

Lori said...

All of your cards are so sweet!!

AKiteFlier said...

Totally adorable - love your simple yet festive cards. Great use of guidelines, too!

Deanna said...

So adorable!

Michelle said...

Ohhh AIDA CLOTH!! what a great idea. I have some that I saved when I decided that cross-stitch was not for me. That last card truly is charming.

Hearts Turned said...

Hi Kelly! Just saw your very sweet comment on my Pink Persimmon card on SCS--thought I'd come over and say thanks! So, THANKS! What a fun blog you have, and such beautiful creations! If you had a follower button, I'd be one! I'll be back to see what else you're coming up with!

Cammie said...

Love the use of guidelines with the focal image. All three cards are too cute!

Marge said...

Oh, WOW, me LIKEY!!! These are ALL just the cutest darn cards!!! I truly NEED to get busy with my Guide Lines & "CASE" these ideas!!! So fantabulous!!!

Tenia Nelson said...

These cards rock, Kelly!! tfs!!

Bonnie said...

Oh my goodness! I hope I win tonight because I didn't get either one of these stamp sets and these are such sweet creations, now I want them both!!

Natasha said...

These are both so cute!!!

Linda said...

Love country charm! Nicely designed backgrounds. Love the last one the best. There's just something about the angle.

Steph said...

Super cute cards. I am waiting on that gingerbread man to arrive in my order any day now!! :)

BethieJ said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!! All of them are WONDERFUL!!!

Heidi said...

They are all fantastic!!! Sooo cute!!

Babies-Beth said...

Oh my, what sweet cards you made! I love it when you can just 'free wheel' with the stamps, then creat later!

Melissa said...

Love them all!! I want to try Guidelines with the Gingyman now, thanks for the great inspiration!

Lizzie Jones said...

Such a cute trio of cards! Thanks for sharing!

Dru said...

These are adorable!!

Kim Faucher said...

these are so cute.. Love the guidelines for the background!!

Sue P. said...

Beautiful cards. I love the different ways you used Guidelines.

IamDerby said...

Love these! The last one is my favorite.

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

These are so AWESOME!!

A Little Licht on the Subject... said...

Wow, really great cards!

peggysue said...

Schirmy, so glad you're hopping with PTI now! These cards are so cute, just your style and I agree, the last one if my favorite.

Lori said...

What sweet cards! Love your Guide Lines patterned papers.

Elizabeth S. said...

Oh, these are so cute! Love your pattern paper.

Mona Pendleton said...

All of your cards are adorable! Sweet & simple! TFI :)

Jennifer L. said...

Love those gingerbread men! I got that set but haven't cracked it open yet.

Savitri said...

Just pretty!!! LOVE the colors!! Cute stamps too!! I want :)

Linda Beeson said...

What amazing creations. I love to create backgrounds with their wonderful stamps.

Katie said...

Awesome! I think the little gingerbread man is my favorite!

Sherry said...

Great cards! I love the black and pink color scheme!

Lisa H. said...

super cute! that snowman just makes me smile!

Aimes said...

So sweet! At first I loved the snowman most, then I loved the gingerbread men and now I just can't decide! I love them all!

Courtney Baker said...

Great cards! Thanks for sharing!

Chris said...

Love that Gingerbread Man - you've made him look so cute!

Susan said...

These are so adorable!! I love how you used the guidelines set with them.

Kim said...

These are all sooooo cute! I think the third one with the red and green is my favorite. I'm such a traditionalist at heart when it comes to Christmas colors. :)