Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Dozen WOWs!

Welcome to Word of the Week 12!  This one made me giggle...

furfuraceous:  consisting of or covered with flaky particles, hee!

Have fun making a furfuraceous greeting!  Upload to SCS with the keyword WOW12 or link back to the comments of the post!


  1. What a fun word to say. I am going to have to share this one with my kids. They love learning new words too. I made a furfuraceous snowman. Can you get any more flakey than that? Well, I know I can, but I can't fit on a card...Mine is posted in my SCS gallery.

  2. Loved this word, hope this is the right place to leave my link, hope you like my chunky glitter as much as I do.
    Here's my entry
