Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloweeny WOW#7!

This week's Word of the Week struck me as kind of fallish and Halloweeny!

 1-(of a plant) twining spirally upward around an axis from right to left
 2-sinistral: meaning, relating to or inclined to the left OR having whorls turning from the right toward the left as viewed with the apex toward the observer

Hmmm very technical...but perfect for a windy day here in Rochester!

Upload your sinstrorse card to Splitcoaststampers using the keyword "WOW07" or post the card on your blog and link it back here in my comments section!


  1. Got mine done and I hope I got my spiral going the right direction. I have it posted in my splitcoast gallery. Great word. I really had to think with this one.

  2. Twining from right to left? Hmmmm. . . we'll think on that one.
