Thursday, September 17, 2009

WOW....I'm Late!

I almost forgot my WOW, hee!

Thanks to everyone for all of the comments regarding Pink Persimmon...they mean so much, and I LOVE reading every single one!

Now on to the Word of the Week Challenge....while the WOW should be "tardy", this is the word that Mr. Dictionary brought me to...

expend: 1) to pay out; spend  2) to consume by use; use up

Ohhh the possibilities!  I'll be back with a sample later...can't wait to see what you come up with!  Use the keyword WOW04 at Splitcoast, or you can link your blog post here in my comments section. 

Don't expend too much energy coming up with your card now, ya hear?!


  1. Great word Kelly! I have an idea already.

  2. Been thinking of you this week. It's the tercenteray year of Samuel Johnson, and all this week on BBC Radio 4 they've been reading out different definitions from his dictionary here and there throughout the day.
    I expended a lot of time and thought and the last scraps of some orange card.
