Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Waltzingmouse Stamps September Release Previews, Day 3

Back for some more Waltzingmouse Stamps sneak previews!  Claire will be releasing 8 new stamp sets TOMORROW on Thursday, September 19th!  Today we are featuring peeks of two more sets, Spooky Tree and Vintage Witch!

First up Spooky Tree...

I know!  Did you think I made a mistake?  When I first got Spooky Tree, I stamped it on all different kinds of cardstocks and just loved how it looked embossed in white on this blue cardstock.  Positively icy!  I paired it with one of the Opera Tags Christmas, another new set being released tomorrow.

And Vintage Witch!  Don't you just want to cackle when you see her?!

I thought she looked perfect paired with some papers from Authentique, a spider web die cut, and lots of distress ink.  

The sheet music is even entitled "Witches' Dance"  ;)

Tomorrow is the traditional release day Design Team blog hop that will begin at 2:00 PM EST.  Stay tuned to Claire's blog for details like contest information, as well as the full reveal of all 8 new sets.

Until then, visit these Design Team members who will be showcasing projects today!


  1. Ooh that witch is scary! And I love the tree embossed! It does look icy and is a lovely setting for the pretty opera tag!

  2. OK...
    NOW I see!!
    I did think you had went a little off the rails at first glance (LOL!!) but OMGosh...
    it IS an icy tree...
    and brilliant!
    I didn't see it but it's so perfect as a winter card...
    LOVE it!! :)
    And that witch has got to be one of the spookiest ever...
    I love her!! :)

  3. Both great cards. I love the spider web in the upper corner. The icy one made me cold, that's how real it looks.

  4. Oh! I just love how you made the spooky tree UNspooky by doing it in white as a Christmas tree holding your beautiful ornament Kelly! so pretty in the blue!

    and your witch looks wonderful flying across the music sheet and tucked under that spider web!!

  5. Oh my gosh Kelly ...look what you have do e with that branch ....genius!!!!!!! I love the ice tree for Christmas! Wow!
    Love your vintage witch card too,but the ice tree steals the show today!

  6. LOVE your winter tree! The white looks fantastic--love it! You picked really great papers to showcase your vintage witch too!

  7. Kelly love all your WMS goodness in your samples, so far behind I am catching up on all three days tonight.

  8. Your icy tree is brilliant! I am looking forward to the new Opera Tag set!

  9. Love, love the Christmas card with the pretty pearls, bold splash of red and very elegant ornament. And the Vintage Witch is just super - love the bits of spider web!

  10. I think I will have to order that Slpooky tree stamp. Who knew that it would fit a Christmas theme as well as Halloween. And that witch is too cute--can a scary witch be cute?

  11. Serendipity - who would have thought the spooky tree would make a good background for an elegant ornament? But it surely does. And I love how you tucked the corner of the witch card under the spider web..nice touch! TFS
