Sunday, July 29, 2012

You're a Star Sketch

A new sketch is posted at the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge Blog!  This week is a design by DT member Belinda Chang Langner!

...and here is my card

Loved this banner patterned paper from the Simple Stories "Fabulous" collection.  Thought they went perfectly with sentiments from Say It Loud!

I fancied up an old manilla tag that I got in a package one time!  Cut it into a new shape with the  Papertrey Ink Tag Sale #5 die and then stamped it with the herringbone pattern from Little Box Labels.  Used the plaid stripe and chevron pattern (on the center star) from Off Beat Backgrounds.  The stars were cut with dies from A Muse Studio and the button is from Basic Grey.  I think I went a little overboard with Belinda's simple sketch!!  :)

Can't wait to see your lovely tags with this sketch!  Upload your creation HERE by next Friday, August 3rd. Be sure to include at least one Waltzingmouse Stamps image on your project to be eligible to be the randomly-selected player who will win a WMS stamp set of choice!

Stamps:  Off Beat Backgrounds, Say It Loud, Little Box Labels, all Waltzingmouse Stamps
Paper:  Simple Stories "Fabulous" collection, PTI Rustic Cream and Kraft, manilla tag
Ink:  Fresh Ink in Merlot and Navy, VersaColor Topaz, Memento Espresso Truffle, Tim Holtz Antique Linen and Rusty Hinge
Other:  PTI Tag Sale #5 die, A Muse Studio star dies, My Favorite Things chevron dies, striped twill ribbon, mini brad and star brad, Basic Grey button, twine


  1. This is sooo much fun Kelly! Absolutely artsy! Love it!

  2. I love it!!
    The papers...
    the colors...
    all the gorgeous mixed patterns...
    it's fabulous!! :)
    And I SO have to get some star dies...
    but I never think of them until I see something like this and realize I have none!! :(

  3. Love the paper with all the bunting on...really cheery!
    The stars and star sentiment pull it all together very neatly.

  4. What a wonderful tag, so festive and fun. Makes for an adorable card.

  5. Love the card you came up with Kelly. So colorful and I love the tag. This looks like a fun easy sketch.

  6. Kelly - this is fantastic. Your layered star on your distressed tag is amazing, especially with that star button...what a perfect match.

    Thanks for playing along with week.

  7. Kelly I just love your card! Love the stars, the background stamping on the tag with the herringbone pattern and that wonderful paper. I love this sketch too and will reuse it often! :)

  8. Hi Kelly! Love those sweet stars - and so clever to sneak that chevron in there! This card is so summery and fun!

  9. I love what you did with that tag Kelly! Those stripes are so cool!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  10. Wondering where you were on the star and your!

  11. Love, love, love your taggy missy!! gorgeous! hugs.

  12. Beautiful banner paper to go with your fun starred tag Kelly!

  13. Oh, you didn't go overboard at all! Your card is fabulous and I LOVE your tag--so many wonderful details! That patterned paper looks fantastic too!

  14. My kinds card! Its screams fun and it has everything I love!!!

  15. This is fabulous, a wonderful mix of papers and that fab stamp!

  16. Miss Kelly, this card is so fun! I love all the mix of fun colors and little banners on your patterned paper. Totally worthy of a celebration!
