Saturday, March 17, 2012

Waltzingmouse Stamps St. Patrick's Day Blog Party!


It's time for my favorite blog party of the year at Waltzingmouse Stamps!  Today's theme (would it be any other??) is St.Patrick's Day, Irish, GREEN!  

You have until tomorrow at 1:30 to post your link at Claire's blog HERE!

I don't have any of the Irish sets (yet!) from Waltzingmouse Stamps (shame on me!!), so I used the plaid pattern from Off Beat Backgrounds and combined sentiments from Say It Loud Winter Holiday and Say It Loud.  Reminded me of an old Irish blessing!

Made my own little cluster of shamrocks using the Mini Rolled Rose die from My Favorite Things.  Cut them with some delicious green wool blend felt that I got from an shop called "BenzieBazaar."  Added some krafy stalks, then tucked them in a nestie oval stamped with Ovals-Classic Frames.

Hope you have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day today!  No parade in Rochester for us, but it IS supposed to be near 70 degrees today!  I think some corned beef and cabbage will be attempted.  With my husband working this weekend, I'll be left to my own cooking devices (eek!).  Armed with a crockpot and I smile, I will do my best :)

Stamps:  Off Beat Backgrounds, Ovals-Classic Frames, Say It Loud, Say It Loud Winter Holiday, all Waltzingmouse Stamps
Paper:  PTI Vintage Cream and Kraft
Ink:  PTI Kraft, VersaMagic ink in Sage and Niagara Mist, A Muse Studio Latte ink, Tim Holtz Antique Linen Distress ink
Other:  Spellbinders Oval Nestabilities, Mini Rolled Rose die from My Favorite Things, felt from BenzieBazaar at, twine, mini brads, Linen/Canvas Impression Plate and kraft twill from Papertrey Ink


  1. Wow Kelly, so soft and Pretty! LOVE those felty shamrocks, and the subtle muted tones. Your plaid is fabulous! Happy partying!

  2. LOVE those fabby shamrocks!!
    This is so gorgeous...
    the colors...
    and the sentiment is perfect!
    For not having an Irish set...
    oh the shame!...
    you created one fabulous St. Patty's Day card!
    And you have more courage than I do...
    cornbeef and cabbage...
    My Irish bloodlines may run deep...
    but I think that's where they stop!
    Though I do have a fabulous crockpot recipe I'll share with you...
    rocky road crock pot cake!! ;)

  3. How sweet! I love the felt shamrocks - great idea. They look so soft!! What a pretty card - you've totally got me in the party mood!

  4. Ooh, I love the sweet felt shamrocks you created, your wonderful plaid and the sweet blessings sentiment. Lovely calm colours too - just wonderful x

  5. Oh Yum Kelly!! what wonderful colors on this - love your gorgeous felt flowers, the plaid and creative sentiment!

  6. Love the subtlety of this card. Your little flowers are so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  7. love the plaid you created and the little cluster. amazing job

  8. A truly wonderful card! Love the felt 'flowers' - a great bit of creating.

  9. oh Kelly...this is delightful. What lovely felt flowers and all done up in such wonderful colors. You really rocked today's St. Paddy's Day post!

  10. Beautiful! Love your little shamrock bouquet!

  11. I love that you went green and kraft! Kraft is such a beautiful neutral palette background for the green:) And those wool felt flowers are adorable!

  12. Adorable little "shamrocks"! Very clever!

  13. Oh Kelly, I LOVE your Awesome card! The rolled roses shamrock is wonderful and I adore the design of your card. What a beautiful creation!! {hugs}

  14. Funny I had the same thought, no Irish stamps from an Irish company... but you've done wonders with the goodies you do have, love the texture of the flowers.

  15. This is so soft and serenely elegant! I love the gentleness of your design. The rolled rose shamrocks are adorable and your multicolour plaid is delicious. Kelly, this is pure delight! (I also want to mention that I think you're the sweetest commenter in blogland - what an encouraging and affirming spirit you have, it's just beautiful - thank you!)

  16. Love your soft colors and the wonderful felted flowers.

  17. Oh, Kelly, this is AWESOME! I love the plaid, the colors and your wonderful sentiment! But the star of your card is definitely the charming shamrock! I would never have thought of using the rose die. And the green felt is just perfect. You did a really FABULOUS job for someone without any Irish stamps!

  18. So pretty Kelly! Love the little felt flowers and soft color combo!

  19. i love your green felt flowers, what a perfect touch to this card! i agree, the sentiment does have the feel of an Irish blessing, what a great idea.

  20. looove this!! and the cute felt roses ♥

  21. I adore your felt shamrocks! The pretty plaid backing and pretty neutrals. A wonderful card!

  22. This is so pretty. I love those green felt flowers. I hope you had a happy St. Patrick's Day.

  23. Oooh - your handmade shamrocks are fabulous! Love your natural colour scheme

  24. LOVE,LOVE, LOVE those little felt shamrocks! The soft plaid backround is wonderful too.

  25. ADORABLE. Love the felt shamrocks - so sweet. Great creation.

  26. oh Kelly, this is the sweetsest ever - I LOVE those wonderful felt flowers in the beautiful frame - and then the plaid bg - so PERFECT!!!

  27. I absolutely LOVE this tiny bunch of dainty wee shamrocks!! such a soft pretty card!! hugs to you!!

  28. Oh Kelly! I love your soft, muted card - it really stands out against all the bright greens. I have a soft spot for this plaid, and I love the way you combined other sets to create a perfect St. Patrick's Day card. Your little felt shamrocks are fab!!

  29. Just catching up on the WMS blog party after my return to town. And I know I will always see something totally awesome and unique on Kelly's blog! I LOVE the felt shamrock you have made! And combined with the oval die cut and the pastel colored plaid--it's just wonderful!

  30. Sorry this is so late, trying to get caught up! Kelly, this is just beautiful--I love all the browns with the greens, and your roses are amazing.

    Chris L.
