Saturday, March 24, 2012

Papertrey Ink Blog Hop

It's blog hop time at Papertrey Ink, and this month there was this delicious photo...
 chock full of inspiration (and yummy things!)

I made two cards for today's hop.  The first features the sweet balloon strings from Everyday Button Bits, stamped on a Button Boutique card.

The paper is from the Fine and Dandy Collection by My Mind's Eye.  I placed the button card on a panel of Harvest Gold cardstock stamped with Polka Dot Basics in Fresh Snow ink.

Added some fun buttons from my stash, a little Aqua Mist border cut with the Pearl Lace Border die from Memory Box, and a Tiny Tags die cut.

....and on to my second card...there's that Baby Button Bits cupcake again!  I am pretty that sure I used it on the last hop that I participated in!  I just love it, and think it is my most-used PTI stamp...

Paper-pieced the cupcake with gingham paper from Lily Bee Design and some white cardstock embossed with a Sizzix folder.

I'm always looking for different things to put on top!  This time it's a butterfly on PTI's Linen Vellum cut with a die from A Muse Studio.

I think we will be feeling very sunny after all of the stops at the hop today!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!


Button Balloon card:
Stamps:  Everyday Button Bits, Button Boutique, Polka Dot Basics, Tiny Tags, all Papertrey Ink
Paper:  Fine & Dandy patterned papers from My Mind's Eye, PTI Aqua Mist, Harvest Gold, and White cardstock
Ink:  A Muse Studio Buttercup, Orange, Bermuda, PTI's Fresh Snow ink, and Memento Tuxedo Black
Other:  Aqua Mist grosgrain ribbon, PTI's Button Boutique and Tiny tags dies, Pearl Lace border die from Memory Box, buttons, orange Divine Twine, corner rounder punch

Cupcake card:
Stamps:  Baby Button Bits, Sending You, Papetrey Ink
Paper:  Handmade and Double Dutch patterned papers from Lily Bee Design, A Muse Studio's yellow gingham, PTI White, Lemon Tart, and Linen Vellum
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, PTI Pure Poppy
Other:  Spellbinders Lacey Circle Nesties, Sizzix embossing folder, white satin ribbon, butterfly die and red rhinestones from A Muse Studio, Martha Stewart Doily Punch


  1. Both are adorable cards. I especially like your "button balloons."

  2. Kelly!!
    I just die!
    These are both so fabulous!
    Love those button balloons...
    and the paper...
    it's just fabulous! :)
    And then here you are with fabulous papers again...
    love the mix you have going...
    and that yummy cupcake...
    too fabulous! :)

  3. Kelly both are just adorable! Love the papers you used in the first card and the adorable balloons out of buttons.In the second one I love the layout and pretty printed papers with the butterfly on the sweet cupcake!
    Your cards are always put together so well!

  4. Both of your cards a simply adorable! I'm a big fan of cupcakes, so that one really stole my heart! Super cute!

  5. they are both so pretty Kelly!!

  6. Kelly, both of your cards are just darling! I love the buttons!

  7. Adorable cards! Reminds me of a beautiful comfy quilt!

  8. Fabulous cards! I love the paper piecing on the cup cake liner. Great patterns on both designs!

  9. These are great, love your use of different patterned paper on the second card and I gotta pull out my tiny tags...

  10. I wish my comments could be as cute and funny as yours always are Kelly, but these two cards today are getting pinned immediately! I love button cards and this is the very first I have seen with balloons on them, what a really great idea! I also just love that cupcake and the butterfly on top is such a great idea. You really outdid yourself today, know I say that a lot, but you really did!

  11. These are just delicious Kelly. I really must get the button bits stamps!

  12. Oh what YUMMY patterned papers! Beautiful cards Kelly! :)

  13. Both of your cards are fantastic! your choice of background papers and how you pieced everything together is beautiful.

  14. Both beautiful cards Kelly! I especially love the cupcake with that tiny butterfly and layers of patterns! Well done!

  15. Your designs are prettylicious!! I have to say my fave is the first one, so cheery... and that perfect ribbon!

  16. I was immediately drawn to your first card ... I have that paper pack, but haven't used it yet. I love the way you've combined it with the button card and the button balloons! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  17. Both cards are great! i really likes that you embossed the top of the cupcake.

  18. Oh my goodness, Kelly, your cards are absolutely amazing!!!! Love the buttons and the cupcake is way too cute!!!

  19. Beautiful cards! The little gingham cupcake is too cute!

  20. They are both great. I especially like the one with the cupcake.

  21. I love BOTH of your cards! Everyday BB is such a cute set and your card reminds me I need to dust it off! I love the beautiful papers you used and just how beauiful your cards are.

  22. Lovely cards!! Loving all the great details that each one has!!

  23. Both of your cards are just so beautiful and I just love the addition of the of red in your second card, just makes everything pop!

  24. Kelly these cards are gorgeous! I love the colors and the buttons!!

  25. those buttons do look good enough to eat! very cute cards!

  26. They are just too adorable Kelly! You just have a way with patterned papers:) You're the paper-whisperer, lol!

  27. great cards!! i love the MB lace.

  28. Very pretty cards! I love your mix of patterned papers!

  29. Great cards. I love the cupcake one. You chose some pretty papers. The embossing ont he cupcake is so inviting to take a bite of.

  30. Fabulous couple of cards! Love your ribbon treatment too!

  31. Wow--2 cards & both are wonderful! Great designs & so many lovely details!

  32. Ah, to tie bows like you .... great cards!

  33. LOVE that butterfly! Totally gonna have to try that next time. ;) Fantastic creations!

  34. Thank you for your sweet comments! Your cards are what I'm talkin' about! I aspire to have these beautiful ingredients and your work is my favs, waiting! Thank you for the inspiration!

  35. Ok Kelly that cupcake card is just incredible! :) I love looking at everything on it... pure eye candy! :)

  36. Your cards are awesome! You do some fabulous creations. My favourite is the the button/balloon one. You put that together so nicely Loving the colours that you used.

  37. Kelly, these are Fantastic cards!! Love both of them! Great colours, layout with sweet buttons and awesome cupcake. Great job!!

  38. lovely cards, beautifully done. TFS

  39. Love these cards, Kelly! And what a cute way to combine two button sets! Fun!

  40. Such wonderful cards! These cards are excellent Kelly! I love the pattern paper on the 1st one and the colors of the 2nd one! Just so cute!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog as well!

  41. Such wonderful cards, Kelly! I love how you used the button card set with the Everyday button bits set in the first one, and the linen vellum butterflies topping the cupcake in your second is just adorable! Your cards are both so beautifully done, as always!

  42. These are both just fabulous Kelly! Love your sweet cupcake card ;)

  43. Fabulous cards! We share the same feelings about the Baby Button Bits set. I use it all the time, too!

  44. Both cards are simply fabulous! I love the button balloon bouquet in the first and the sweet tag hanging off the bow, and I love the quilted look of the second card :)

  45. adorable buttons!! What a fabulous way to use the colours :) Loving the gingham too :) You can never go wrong with gingham!! LOL

  46. Is that a perfect bow on the cupcake card or what??? Love the colors too.

  47. Very pretty Kelly. Especially love the button card with the button balloons. :o)

  48. Super sweet cards Kelly! LOVE the button card and how can you go wrong with a cupcake? :) LOL

  49. These are beautiful cards Kelly, so fresh and springlike!
    I'm trying to stay awake with my son we are watching Madagascar 2, and he's looking so much better now!

  50. Stunning cards- they are just the right colours for this time of year :-)

  51. Both of these are SO SWEET--fantastic mix of patterned papers! The button balloons are adorable and I love the tiny tag! But I think my favorite is your cupcake done in gingham with the butterfly--sweet perfection!

  52. Both very cute cards Kelly! That little cupcake is so cute and the card is so fun with those patterned panels! Think my favourite is the button card though, just so bright and fun!

    Thanks for leaving some love on my blog, sorry it took so long to return the favour!
