Thursday, January 5, 2012

Washi Ruffles

Ugh, this week back to school and work has been difficult!  I am longing for those lazy days that came after Christmas.  I decided that I needed some creative therapy, so off to the Runway Inspired Challenge again for some fun eye candy.  This week's design is by Gareth Pugh, Spring 2012....I see layers of fabulousness!

Oh so out of my comfort zone (figuratively and literally...those SHOES!)  

I grabbed some Washi tape and made some layers of my own:

I cut 3 strips of black cardstock and wound some black and white striped washi tape around them.  I left some overhang at the bottom to make little "ruffles".  (Note to self:  Use washi tape more often, it's very forgiving!)  Then I layered the 3 panels over each other, and adhered them diagonally to mimic all of the crazy angles at the bottom of the skirt.  Both the sheer ribbon and the sentiment are from A Muse Studio.

I am enjoying the Runway Inspired Challenge so much!  It's just the kick start that I needed to try new things this year.  As an added bonus, the DT members' and participants' samples are JUST as inspiring as the original photo!

Stamps:  sentiment from Glamour Girl, A Muse Studio
Paper:  PTI black and white
Other:  washi tape, ribbon, and white embossing powder, all from A Muse Studio


  1. This is TOO much fun! I love the angled panel and all of the lovely stripes - what a great idea for washi tape!

  2. This is FABULOUS!!
    LOVE that washi tape...
    it looks absolutely incredible!
    A stunning interpretation!!
    And btw...
    though I love the shoes...
    they are a death trap for someone who actually does have difficulty walking and chewing gum at the same time...

  3. Love it! The geometric washi tape is so cool. Your creative eye is sheer genius! What a fun challenge. What a fantastic interpretation of it! Nothing like a little haute couture crafting, hey?

  4. Totally fun take on the RIC challenge! I love the way you layered the washi to make your stripes.

  5. This is so creative- I'll need to try to do that with my washi tape! Thanks so much for playing along with the Runway Inspired Challenge!

  6. WOW Kelly - this is AWESOME!!! What a fabulous take on that challenge picture! If I was in the jury you'd have my vote!!!
    Hugs, Karin

  7. Hi Kelly

    Wow love your take on the challenge all those ruffles you've made are great!

    Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog.


  8. Wow--SO gorgeous! Love your use of the washi tape! The bold graphic pattern works great for your ruffles--a fabulous take on the challenge!!
