Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Papertrey Ink Blog Hop

The theme for this month's Papertrey Ink Blog Hop is a fun one.  We were to choose a favorite project from last year and use it to be inspired to make one for the new year! I recently put together a Top 10 cards of 2011 post on my blog, so I had a favorite in mind all ready to go.

This was the ATC card that I made last April for Spring Fest in Buffalo, NY.  It's an annual get-together for stampers, and I always sign up for this swap!  I though my design was simple until on (approximately) ATC #3 (out of 26), I didn't want to thread and glue any more buttons!  I kept going, though, and was really happy that I pushed through :)!

I decided to take out Button Boutique, Baby Button Bits, and Bitty Background Blocks again to make a new card:

I thought this patterned paper from October Afternoon's "5 & Dime" Collection was a perfect fit in theme and matched the colors of my button card.

Instead of stamping a Bitty Block pinked square, I used 2 of the images from the set to paper piece the cupcake and leaves.  Used different images from Button Boutique to make my button card, and added the cupcake and sentiment (instead of the peas) from Baby Button Bits.

It will be so much fun to see all of the projects, both old AND new!  Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Stamps:  Button Boutique, Baby Button Bits, Bitty Background Blocks, all Papertrey Ink
Paper:  PTI Vintage Cream and Aqua Mist, October Afternoon's "5 & Dime" patterned papers
Ink:  PTI's Aqua Mist, Fresh Ink in Chocolate, Pink Lemonade, Celery, and Chamomille
Other:  PTI's Button Boutique dies, button, embroidery floss, dimensionals, little white flower and Lemon Whip satin ribbon by A Muse Studio


  1. OMG...
    I die!!
    That paper is fabulous for this card!
    Love the cupcake...
    the sentiment...
    I just love everything about this!! :)

  2. I remember that card, in fact I have it saved on my laptop (pre-pinterest). I love how you have re-made it, the patterned paper is perfect with it and that cute cupcake looks so nice and yummy on the button card. Great job with the redux!

  3. How stinkin' cute is this card? Love it so much! The pp you used is perfect!

  4. I remember the first card and loved it, now this second card is really, really cute and CASABLE ;)

  5. Both cards a very nice.
    DIANA L.

  6. ADORABLE!! I love that cupcake ont he button card. And that perfectly tied bow. Gorgeous card!!

  7. Adorable!! Love that flower on top of the cupcake. And the chalkboard to the side of the card is just to cute!

  8. Love your new card. Gorgeous pattern paper.Perfect for this card. That cupcake with the button is simply adorable.

  9. Both adorable, but your new card raises the bar!!

  10. Oh I love this gorgeous card Kelly and the touch of paper peicing is genius!

  11. Your original tag is adorable, but the second card is awesome. The patterned paper is perfect for that cupcake image ... such a sweet birthday card.

  12. Kelly, your cards always make me smile! I'm sure that if we were neighbors, we'd be the best of friends! Thanks for these inspiring 'em!

  13. What an elegant card, love it!

  14. That cupcake is talking to me! I think its my favorite part of the whole card! I also love the little details on the button card. You are right, perfect paper choice! :-)

  15. Love them both... what a great use of those goodies too, now I want them all (this happens every month with this hop!).

  16. They are both great. Love the new one. Especially the cupcake.

  17. Oh, Kelly! That patterned paper and your cupcake are a match made in Heaven! Such a darling card, and I love the original ATC as well!

  18. First, I love the way you used 2 different inks for your frame and your "Fancy Buttons" stamp... must remember this. Second, I LOVE the addition of the little flower behind the button on the cupcake. It's PERFECT!! I love this card!

  19. The cake,background papers and ribbon work so well together. A yummy card.

  20. So, as a baker, I LOOVE this!!! You're also enabling me pretty heavily. I love how the October Afternoon paper coordinates perfect with the cupcake and the color scheme. I think I need to find this paper and I'm off to add Button Boutique to my cart.

    Oh, and I'm currently in love with gingham. I'm on the hunt for some light blue gingham ribbon! Thanks for the awesome comment!

  21. First of all, your 2011 pea card is adorable! And then to put a cupcake on the button card for the new one?! Totally cute :)

  22. Both cards are so sweet Kelly! Can't have too many cupcakes ;) LOVE the Vintage button card!

  23. I love your new card! So sweet! Baby Button Bits is what I used last year to work off of for this blog hop.

  24. Both are darling. I love the pea pod and yummy cupcake. I have that paper pack from OA and I have yet to use it. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  25. You're right, that patterned paper is a perfect compliment to the cupcake image. Such a "sweet" (I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself) little card!

  26. Oh, this is so sweet, Kelly! I love it!

  27. Kelly, I can't get over how wonderful this card is. That little menu and cupcake are a perfect combination! :)

  28. So cute! I can not say in words how much I love this card! So sweet!!

  29. I love this card. It is so cute and clever and yummy, all at the same time. That paper, the button boutique and cupcake make a perfect combination.

  30. WOW!!! think these must be my two favorite cards from you ever - they are FABULOUS - when I come home I'll come back to save those pics into my inspiration file. Thanks for the inspiration - wish I was home and not at work...Sorry for being so late on commenting, but I had to work late last night too, hugs, Karin

  31. Oh, I love your cupcake on this button label, and the dramtic colour scheme! Fab menu too!

  32. I remember that cute little peapod card! Both of your cards are just too adorable! That little sweet buttonflower on top of the cupcake is just the epitome of cute. And that patterned paper, so fitting! Hope you're doing well this week Kelly;) Take care!

  33. So, I saw your ATC and I said, Aww, and then scrolled down and saw your card for the challenge, an said, Oooohhhh! That is truly lovely, amazing how perfect that dark patterned paper looks with the cupcake!

  34. Fabulous!!! The cupcake is perfect on that bg!!! I have the button stamp set and haven't used yet!!! You've inspired me to get it out!!!

  35. Oh my goodness!! I totally love both cards!!! The peas in the pod is soooo cute and so is the cupcake!! They both totally make me smile!!!

  36. Button Boutique is one of my all time fav sets! Love both of these! The OA paper looks great. :o)

  37. Great cards Kelly! The first is so cute, and the second is cute with a touch of elegance. Someday I'm going to get Baby Button Bits . . . .

    Chris L.

  38. These are both really sweet! I remember seeing that first one, loved it! Your cupcake version is very nice as well!!! Pretty!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  39. I love to make baby cards and you have certainly inspired me with these! I am crazy about the 2012 edition with the October Afternoon paper. The contrast really makes the whole card pop! Beautifully done.
