Saturday, May 21, 2011

Birthday Sketch!

Today Waltzingmouse Stamps is TWO years old!  It's time to celebrate Claire Brennan and her awesome little company that could!

This week at the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge Blog is another fab sketch by Edna Morrisedie, and lots of birthday inspiration from the Mischief Makers and WMS Design Team...

Here is my card:

Based on Edna's lovely sketch here:

The background is the sweater pattern from Faux Fun.  Then I die cut 12 of the smallest heart from the Spellbinders Classic Scalloped Hearts Nestabilities set, embossed them, and then stamped them with patterns from Gingham & Company.  The BIG Birthday Hugs sentiment is from Say it Loud, stamped on vellum and wrapped around the heart panel.  Lot of Antique Linen Distress ink, my birthday shout out to Claire (who has quite the fondness for it)!

Now it's your turn to play.  Link your creation with this sketch HERE in the specified time frame, and be sure to use at least one Waltzingmouse Stamps image on your project.  You could be the randomly-selected player that receives a free WMS stamp set of choice!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Dear Sweet Waltzingmouse.....Happy Birthday to You (with HUGS)!


  1. Kelly this is adorable!!! I love the homespun look!!! thank you so much!! Hugs!

  2. This is gorgeous!! Love those hearts!

  3. LOVE your take on the sketch, the hearts are so sweet, fab card!!

  4. What a sweet card Kelly! Lovin' all the hearts!

  5. Lovely card Kelly! It would be great for so many family and friends birthdays. I'm going to pin it to my Pinterest board for card ideas, hope you don't mind! :)

  6. I love everything about this card, Kelly! The little polka dot and gingham hearts look perfect on the sweater background. And the vellum sentiment is the cherry on top!

  7. Adorable! Love the homespun feel of it.

  8. Hi Kelly

    I love your cards with all those little hearts on it, the dots and gingjam just look great together. I also very much like your colors as well as the sentiment stamped on vellum, that gives a very elegant touch.

    Best regards and thanks for your lovely comment

  9. I really like this. The knit background stitch is super and the sweet little hearts are just fab! I love the sentiment on the vellum!
