Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge #13

Here is this week's sketch at the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge Blog:

Stamped ornament and sentiment from WMS Sewing Box: Christmas on October Afternoon decorative paper, then used the Very Vintage Labels One and Pic-Nic Patterns stamp sets to make the backgrounds.  The green is the reverse side of the October Afternoon paper I used for the ornament.  There is a little "hook" made from copper wire at the top, rhinestones, and gingham ribbon to finish off the ornament! 


  1. Hi, Kelly! What a great design! I've been wanting to reach you via email, but can't find an email address for you! Would you mind emailing me? You can reach me at julie at Thanks, chiquita!

  2. I love the backgrounds you created and the colours and embellishments go together so well.

  3. Great colors on this Kelly! love the ornament and all the stamping! thanks for playing with WMS sketch again this week! Wow - what does Queen Julie want you for???!!!! whoo hoo GF!!!

  4. this is such a cute christmas card kelly-you really worked the sketch well

  5. What a darling Christmas card Kelly! So creative! Great way to mix & match so many various stamps! Thanks for playing along with the WMSC :)

  6. Cracking card Kelly!!! fab take on the sketch to make a bauble!! Thank you for taking the time to play along with us at Waltzingmouse Stamps!!

  7. What a fun take on the sketch! :) Love the mix and matching of all these sets!
