Friday, September 17, 2010

Waltzingmouse Halloween Blog Waltz!

It's time for another Blog Waltz with Waltzingmouse Stamps!  The theme this month is Halloween!

Oh how I love that little witch!  This card has your traditional Halloween color scheme of gold, black, blue, and sage green (HUH?!).  The background is made with the lace strip from Faux Fun stamped in Versamagic Sage ink on PTI Harvest Gold cardstock.  I then distressed the edges with Tim Holtz Black Distress ink.  Made the center lace panel with sage ink on black cardstock.  Stamped sentiment, bats, and Witch Wanda from Midnight Feast.  I paper-pieced Wanda's apron so it would be white, and added Stickles.  The bats are spiffed up with Glossy Accents.  Made the spooky midnight sky by sponging Stormy Sky and Chipped Sapphire Distress inks, stamping the stars in PTI Fresh Snow ink, and then putting Stickles on a few here and there. 

I used quite a few things on this card!  As I walked away to go get my camera, I came back and REALLY took notice of this...the wrath that Wanda left on my kitchen table...

This is what my table looked like after that ONE card.  Can you even imagine how it would look if I did another one??  Now everybody please lie to me and tell me your crafty space looks the same...
Sometimes?  Anyone? 
Hee...and Happy Halloweeny!


  1. Your spooky card is fab, love your stamped papers and images and what a great starry sky!

  2. Outstanding card - love all the sponging and your design layout. Your craft table looks tame compared to

  3. Definatly - a gorgeous card like that must come out or a creative mess! Completly understand - looks like my desk LOL

  4. FANTASTIC ..... I love that witch too!!! I love how you used the lace to make the HG so aged. I will have to look for some TH distress in black ..... I was trying to use a regular ink yesterday and it was not working how I wanted it to. My craft area always looks this ...... :)

  5. Oh believe me, my crafty space looks just like that!'s terrible - I have a 5" x 5" space to craft because I never cleanup! I love your project and your background lace is perfect along with the spooky sky!

  6. Oh this is just fabulously perfect Halloween! Love your design.

  7. Yes Kelly - my crafty space DOES look the same!! (no lie) although I do clean up after each project putting everything away - otherwise there would not be one clear spot available!!! Love your card and the great colors you chose! that frippery bg stamping looks super!

  8. Um, I'm not sure you want to see my craft space after a card... you're so brave for showing yours! Lovely card though! the lace is just the perfect touch for the bg!

  9. R U SERIOUS? Anyone denies having a messy desk after a creation as great as that is lying...I would need to see proof!!LOL I think your work area looks very actually looks good....I lie!!!!!!
    the truth...your card looks amazing...very cool use of the stamps!

  10. Kelly, it's not a lie when I tell you my craft space looks identical to yours. But I think mine's probably worse!
    Terrific card!
    Thanks for sharing

  11. Great card Kelly! I love the lace background combined with the Halloween theme.. very spooky! :) So glad you could waltz along with us!

  12. Fabulous card! Love that background!! And um, my space ALWAYS looks like that! LOL.

  13. Love the picture of your creative excess (note I didn't say "mess"). I always start out with a 6' table and end up working in an 8" x 8" area! Great use of a background stamp and color choices.

  14. Beautifully designed card Kelly!!love all the sponging and yup that's pretty much what my house looks like all the time!!!! AND you paper pieced that teeny apron!!! WOW!

  15. Really great card - love it!! And my table looks way worse than that all the time!!

  16. Love the card - Wanda is just great. And you're a much braver woman than I - no camera allowed in my craft room!!

  17. UM... my space looks WORSE! :) All for the love of the craft right!
    Your card is WONDERFUL!! I LOVE it!
    Happy Waltzing! :)

  18. I thought about taking a picture of my craft space but I thought again and decided that your going to have to take my word for it ...IT's WORST!! lol.. Terrific Halloween card Kelly :)

  19. I love the starry night she's flying through on your card. And so cool to see your craft space after the card. Sometimes a card just needs a lot of stuff to come out just right. Yours is definitely just right! Love it!

  20. I love the card and YES my table looks exactly like that. Makes me wonder how I ever manage to get anything done. Wonderful job.

  21. So mystical & magical looking Kelly! Love the starry background!

  22. Wonderful card! And yes, sometimes I have to clean up between cards just to find the work space again! LOL

    Nice work!

  23. What an amazing creation! That after scene looks so familiar, trust me, I have a "temp" box on the craft table just to toss everything away so I could clear up some space to make another card.

  24. This card is very inspiring because the colors are perfect. I love the midnight sky! And your crafty space made me smile because it looks creative to me!!! ;) Lovely card.

  25. i won't lie to you. but let me just re-assure you that my craft area looks equally guilty. love your card. nice vintage feel - and great color scheme.

  26. Are you kidding? My table looks like that after almost EVERY project/card I make. I have to have everything in front of me and close at reach. It's a weakness, but I've gotten used to it... now if I could just find somebody to put it all back in it's rightful place and order! ;o)
