Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Two For Sunday!

Lots of people being honored today at Splitcoaststampers!

First up is Die Cue Diva aka Terri, who is the Featured Stamper of the week!  I chose to case THIS awesome card of Terri's!

Oh how I love that card of Terri's!  I used the same color scheme and layout.  Made the wreath with PTI's Rustic Branches and the bottom with PTI's Guide Lines!

Next up is the Queen for the Day!  Anne Ryan is the "Queen for the Day" challenge creator and weekly hostess.  Each week she chooses a Queen...a stamper at Splitcoaststampers who participates often in challenges, but ALSO leaves comments on everyone else's cards.  This week Anne was called away for a family emergency, so Cathy Bomgardner (aka Mutnik) decided to crown the Queen of Queens herself!  So I cased THIS card of Anne's!

Used PTI's Holiday Button Bits and the Gingham Backgrounder from Cornish Heritage Farms.  Anne's favorite color is black.  She said that everything in her house is black except for the walls, hee!  She regularly pokes fun at all of her cards, and noted that the person receiving her black Christmas card was in for a surprise!  She also calls me "Avon Lady" (Anne is from Rochester, NY, so she is familiar with my town AVON!).  I joked that she keeps sending me money for make-up, and I keep using it to buy stamps!!

Stop on over to Splitcoaststampers today and visit Terri's and Anne's'll be glad that you did!


  1. Hi Kelly,

    Still in recovery but had to stop and say hey! as I have the habit of doing. Good to see our Anne Ryan Queen for the Day!

    Love your cards and you! hugsxopeggy

  2. Kelly both cards are FABULOUS! I so cant WAIT for the PTI wreath set!! :)

  3. Both of these cards are darling Kelly!

  4. Love your nontraditional color schemes, Kelly. You did a great job with Guide Lines.

  5. Love both cards! They are just adorable!
