Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The BIG time!

I have been keeping a SECRET, and now I can finally let everyone know! 
I have been asked to be on my very FIRST Creative Team by
Pink Persimmon!
It all started when I saw a card featuring the set "Little Red Wagon" on Splitcoaststampers.  I KNEW immediately that the set had to be MINE!  After receiving the set in the mail, I started to stamp with it and instantly fell in love...

I started following their blog, and when I saw the call for Creative Team applications, I decided to apply!  Imagine my surprise and glee when I got a call from Darcy McNairy, co-owner of Pink Persimmon with her sister, Judi Anderson.  I jumped up and down, and then JUMPED over to my computer to email YESSSSS!

I am very blessed to be on a Creative Team with some VERY experienced (FAMOUS!) stampers in the industry...Linda Beeson, Kimberly Crawford, Julie Detlef, Samantha Sibbet, and Kristie Larsen.  Please be sure to visit their blogs to be WOWED by some fabulous creativity!
So how about a little contest to celebrate this very special FIRST occasion for me?!  Leave a comment below by Saturday, September 19th (8:00 AM, PST) telling me which stamp set at Pink Persimmon is your favorite?  I will choose a name randomly from the comments, and that person will win a free stamp set!
 (EEK, my first BLOG CANDY, too!)
I can't wait to show you all some fun creations in the coming months, and am so excited to meet many new friends through this wonderful opportunity!  Thank you Darcy and Judi!


  1. CONGRATS to you! CAn't imagine how excited you must feel :D I really think all their stamps are super cute, but really like the cute as a button set (think that's what it's called!) and the big banner with rosettes!! HAve fun creating with PP!!

  2. CONGRATS, KELLY!!!!! What a great opportunity! Color my Groovy Green with envy! ENJOY!

  3. OMG, OMG, OMGosh, this has been a long time coming, Kelly! Uber major heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to you on this landmark day that you've finally been discovered as the wonderful talent that you are! I am as giddy and happy over here as a person can get!

    Yowsa, you are all famous and stuff! Remember us peons ... okay? ;-)

    Humongous hugs and happy dances going on,


  4. Oh how exciting for you! I love their images I have the Scottie Dogs...so that would be my fav....but I love what you have done with the adorable Little Red Wagon set!

  5. WAY to GO Kelly that is SOOOOOO Exciting!!! So so very happy for you!!! Hugs, Crystal

  6. A big CONGRATS to you, Kelly! What a super announcement. I know you'll be great. I looked and PP has some really cute images. But I think my fave is the one you used: The little red wagon. Can't wait to see what you create!

  7. Oh Avon Lady, now this is some great news! Congrats. I know your partnership will be so rewarding for both you and Pink Persimmon.

    Yes, I have a favorite stamp set too. As a matter of fact, it's the same wagon set you fell in love with.

    congrats! I only expect some wonderful creations coming from Avon, NY!

    Anne Ryan

  8. See all it took was for you to open a blog and bam! The offers start pouring in! Congratulations to you! Well deserved and you are going to be da bomb!

  9. Ohhh I'm delighted for you Kelly!!! How exciting you uber talented girl, you!!!

    Great blog!! I can't wait to see all of your creations!!

    big hugs - Deborah Forbes aka debzi333

  10. Hey girlie listmaker...I just knew you would be perfect for the Pink P. Your down home style is gonna kick up some gorgeous creations!!!
    Just never forget who your biggest fan is!!!!

  11. Woohoo!!!! Congratulations, Kelly!! I am not surprised you were chosen, your work is awesome. I can't wait to see what you create with this lovely line of stamps!!
    I think I like the Jewel one, although it was hard to pick just one favorite.

  12. Kelly, I just got so excited for you after reading your blog post!! I am so very happy for both of us! I love your little red wagon card, it is lovely. Can't wait to get to know you better! Congratulations!!!

  13. Way To Go, Kelly!!!! Big congrats to you! You know I am a huge fan of your work, so I am not surprised that they want you!! I am not familiar with PP, so it was fun to browse their website. I love the little red wagon set, and the soda pop alphabet is a fav too. Cant wait to see more of your "Kelly Stlye" cards!!

  14. Congrats to you Kelly - this is awesome news!! I am thrilled for you and can't wait to see all your creations with new stamps! That Little Red Wagon set is my favorite!!

  15. Congratulations! How exciting! I LOVE Pink Persimmon, too! Little Red Wagon was my first set--I think! I have lots, and love them all! Can't wait to see your wonderful PP creations!

  16. Congrats and what a wonderful oppurtunity! cherry

  17. congratulations! I love the stamps too! I have a few and Lottie is my favorite!

  18. With a blog name like that and that PP card, you have got a fan in me. I can't wait to see what else you're going to do with Pink Persimmon stamps (especially my favorite: Little Red Wagon)!

  19. I'll have to take time to say which is my favourite set - have to narrow it down from four. But I didn't want to wait to say Congratulations to you on your well-deserved place on the team.

  20. Congratulations on being chosen for the team. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

  21. Congratulations!! My favorite set is Sweet Greetings because I love all the cupcake sentiments. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. Girl, I knew it was just a matter of time before you'd be discovered for the brilliant paper genius that you are!! Congratulations, Kelly! I'm so happy for you, and Pink Persimmon is very lucky to get you!! My favorite PP set is the tea set, because I love the sweet flowers that you can add to all the main images. But I also adore the two banner sets, as well as the matching alpha sets. Thanks for the chance to win some PP stamps - they are yummy!!

  23. Kelly, I am so so thrilled for you to be sharing your wonderful talent on a design team. They are very lucky to have you. I agree with you that The Little Red Wagon is adorable and is my favorite set. Oh Dear and Little Cuties come in a close second. Congratulations, Kelly.

  24. Well done Gingham Girl!
    It's got to be Little Red Wagon for me - so sweet.

  25. Well, its about time someone snatched you up little buddy! You da man! Snort! I love that you are being presentd wonderful opportunities....you will rock their world, and ours! So happy for you!

    Your word tommorroww should be Wah Hoo!!!! Giggle! You go girl!

  26. adorable sets Kelly and your red wagon card is so precious! I would say my fave set is Scottie Dogs! Congrats to you and all the best!!

  27. Congrats, your card is lovely! love that set (it was the 1st set I bought and my most used too!) I also love the new vintage cupcake!

  28. Sue aka CoffeestamperSeptember 16, 2009 at 7:11 AM

    I am so happy for you...congrats gingham girl.
    Check out the card I made for you. I will have to say that I too fell in love with
    Little red wagaon. hugs~

  29. Congrats!! How fantastic! First of all, I can't believe you haven't been snatched up before now, and I can't wait to see what you create with their cute stamps..
    I love the flower set!

  30. Congratulations on making the team!! Little Red Wagon is my favorite set too!! It is so adorable! Have fun creating and congrats again! :)

  31. How can you not love that little red wagon ... however, my sister is a big gnome fan, so I would love to add the Gnome Home to my collection ... huge congrats!

  32. Congratulations! Love Pink Persimmon (and my Flower Garden set) and have been a fan for quite a while! I'm craving Tea and Cake and have always loved the banner/matching alpa!Looking forward to many PP creations.

  33. BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS Kelly!!!! This is super news and you are so perfectly suited to this co! I popped over to see their store and love it! So many cute sets! I love the little red wagon first but boy the flower greetings is so cute and useful for those quick card needs and Love the coffee tea set! I could buy just about all of them! Can't wait to see all you come up with Kelley!!!! I'm here cheering you on gf!!!

  34. This card you made is so darling!I would love to get the Red Wagon set from them-you have inspired me!

  35. Huge congrats, Kelly! Can't wait to see your designs for Pink Persimmon! I'll be watching! Their stamps are terrific! I think that Little Red Wagon is my favorite, but I also love the Tea and Cake set! Have fun with this new pursuit!

  36. Congratulations Kelly! I can't believe this is your FIRST DT gig and that other companies have not recognized your talent and snagged you sooner! I am so happy for you! :D


  37. Congratulations!!! I love PP! I am also really excited for you that this is your first design team! That's awesome! My favorite set is the Ribbit set! The cuteness is more than I can stand!!!

  38. CONGRATS Kelly! What cute images...looks like this will be right up your alley. Can't wait to see your creations. Way to go!

  39. Congratulations! Your Red Wagon card is so cute.

    I like the Flower Greetings and Scottie Dogs sets.

  40. congrats on the dt! i have to say my favorite is the banner stamps, they are so adorable!!!!!

  41. Congratulations, Kelly!! My favorite sets are the all the banners - small, large, and really BIG! Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. Lucky You!! Love the scottie dog and the one you used in you card,the little red wagon. Plus there ar so many more I want to order! Thanks for a chance to win!

  43. Congratulations Kelly!!! I really like that stamp set Little red wagon too! Do you think the RED had anything to do with it???LOL! I'd love to win it!!

  44. WOW!! Kelly this is fabulous news!!! I am so excited for you. I bet the girls are so proud of mom. This is going to be a fun adventure for you!!! Like you I like the little red wagon set, but the tea and cake one is really cute too.

  45. Big congrats Kelly! what a fun company - and they are lucky to get you too!! well - I looked over the site and my favs are:

    Little red wagon,
    Little Cuties
    Little Christmas cottage

    couldn't pick just one!!

  46. Congrats - that is on ADORABLE card!! I love the little cuties set & the vintage cupcake set, but your card makes me want the little red wagon set! :)

  47. CONGRATULATIONS, Kelly!!! How exciting for you, and I know you will create MAH-VE-LOUS things for them!
    I wasn't familiar with their stamps, so I checked out the site and fell in love with:
    1. Little Red Wagon (can't ya just see all the Dick & Jane stories? hee!)
    2. Love Dove
    3. Little Cuties

  48. Congrats to you. I love the Little Red Wagon too and the Wise Old owl. Good luck.

  49. Little Cuties!!!

    I LOVE polka dots and cupcakes (so what can be better than a stamp with both?

    Also, I think those finger pointers would come in handy!

  50. Congrats!!! Hard to believe this is your first DT and your 1st blog candy! =) It's hard to pick just *one* fave. I love the Banner's...Oh Dear's...Tea & Cake... Vintage Cupcake...the Alpha's (Soda Pop)...Polka Dot Mushroom and Little Christmas Cottage.

  51. I love the scottie dogs, but Little Red Wagon is also on my wish list. Congrats on the DT!

  52. Yeah Kelly, congrats in your new venture. Can't wait to see all you will have to share. I love the "Brave Little Toaster" card. I am a newbie to stamping so just learning all you can do with them. My favorite set is the Flower Greetins Set. I could have lots of fun with that set.
    Take Care

  53. Congrats!!! I like the Tea & Cake stamp set.

  54. I am so happy for you Kelly. It is about time someone noticed your charming cards. It is so refreshing when genuine sweetness is rewarded.


    connie jo

  55. Congrats! What a great new adventure:) I love the journaling ticket! I also like the Tea and Cake set....too many to choose from! I like them all:) sbmmhoover@yahoo.com

  56. Congratulations! I love Little Red Wagon and it's definitely on my wish list! Your card is really cute. :)

    jessrose21 at yahoo dot com

  57. Congrats!!! I love the little red wagon set!!

  58. Like you, I wanted the Little Red Wagon set as soon as I saw it. I finally have it, but haven't had time to make anything. It reminds me of the Dick and Jane books of the 50's and 60's.

  59. Congratulations Kelly! Your sweet nature and sweet cards will be a huge bonus for this design team! I wasn't familiar with this stamp line, so thank you for introducing it to me! I like the Red Wagon set best, but a close second is the Scottie Dog set. Cute, cute images!

  60. Kelly, I am so excited for you and can hardly wait to see more! I love the Flower Garden and the Banner set -- your wagon card might get me to love that one as much too!


  61. I like the Vintage Greetings! I don't know if thses are available here!?
    Congratulations on making the Creative Team!

  62. Congratulations on being chosen for the Pink Persimmon Design Team! How exciting that must be! I love lots of the sets, but especially Cute as a Button and Little Cuties.

  63. There are some very cute stamps! Thanks for sharing these. I think I like Little Red Wagon the best!
    Gini Cagle beadz@bellsouth.net

  64. Congrats on making your first design team, how awesome!!!

    I, too, fell right in love with Pink Persimmon the moment I saw the ingenious Little Red Wagon set...it's my favorite!!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win! (kerib!gmx.net)

  65. Hey Kelly, CONGRATULATIONS GF!!!!!!!You sure are talented enough to showcase their stamps. I like that wagon too and the cute as a button set. That little girl with the wagon reminds me of me. TODiane

  66. Congratulations on making the design team. I really like the cute as a button set (but would be happy is were lucky enough to win any of them).

  67. If I were to choose just one stamp it would be Singing Birds. It would be fun to color
    Sharon L

  68. Congrats! My favorite set is the wise owl :) Thanks for the chance to win a giveaway.

  69. What a fun secret to have! My favorite is consistently the Small Banner set. I love the patterns and sentiments that are included.

  70. Oh Kelly, what fantastic news! Congratulations! This is such a great opportunity for you and you are so worthy. Hope you have fun along the way. My favorite would have to be the Little Red Wagon! Your card is such a great inspiration.

  71. Congrats! I'm in love with the small alpha stamp set!

  72. Yip-ee for you!!! Pink Persimmon is so awesome and I love their designs!

    My favs are so many: Little Red Wagon, Scottie Dogs, & Vintage Greetings are amongst my tops.


  73. Congratulations on making the team! I found your blog about a week ago and enjoy looking at all of your PTI goodies and can't wait to start seeing goodies from PP too! I just recently found Pink Persimmon and Little Red Wagon is at the top of my wish list!

    Andrea McCulley

  74. Congratulations, Missy! So proud of you! Thanks for bringing my attention to this momentous post! I'm really partial to Tea and Cake, but those scottie dogs are pretty darn cute. Again, congratulations.

  75. congratulations! I love your card and my favorite set is the The Little Red Wagon.

  76. Little red wagon is my favorite set too. Love your card. And a big congratulations to you!

  77. Congrats on making the team. Lots of great sets, but the OH Dear Outline is my favorite.

  78. Congrats! I think my favorite is the Little Red Wagon set! It is so different from anything I've seen!

  79. Congrats! The cards you made is adorable! The Fairy Kisses is my favorite set :)

  80. BIG CONGRATS! I am glad I found your blog, because I wasn't familiar with PP Stamps! I checked them out, and OMGoodness, ADORABLE! I would have to say that Oh Dear Outlines is my favorite, but I do love the Little Cuties, too! Thanks for the chance to win some of these cute stamps!


  81. congrats to you! The Little Red Wagon set is most definitely my fave from them! just makes me smile! :)

  82. Congrats - cant wait to see your inspirering work. I really like Pink Persimmon Flower Greetings - the doodle look is so much me.

  83. My very favorite is the "Oh Dear" set - I love what you can do with silhouette stamps!


  84. I love the "You're a Jewel" set. :)


  85. Tea and cake is my favorite congrats on dt position

  86. You da woman!!! Not surprised- but so exciting!!! Obviuosly all your "fans" think so too - it took me forever to get to the end of your comments. I look forward to seeing more of your creations. Marion

  87. Congrats to you chick! I know how you feel, I recently made my first DT too and you will have soooo much fun!

    My favorite set: Tea and Cake

  88. PS - My favorite set is Cute as a Button!

  89. My favorite is "Cute as a Button". But there are several others I like as well!

  90. Fantastic news for you and a fabulous card to go with it! You picked the same favorite set as I have! CUTE!

  91. I like the Little Red Wagon.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  92. Congrats !!! Cool for you ,wow!!! My fav stamp is the banners...so,so coolio!

  93. Congrats to you, loved your red wagon card. My favorite set would be the Oh Dear Outline set. It's so cute, and perfect to complete my mini-album about a fawn we raised.

  94. Wow! How fun! If I had to choose a favorite stamp, it would be the Ribbit set. I also like the flower garden and Flower Greeting sets and all the alpha sets! I can't decide on just one! Thanks for the great chance to win and congratulations!
